Emerging from the shadows of online recordings

⏰ 24 hours with 24 leaders - 🎀 Live Ride To Success Podcast recording at EUROBIKE SHOW

So, I have set myself the objective of interviewing 24 leaders in the cycling industry, but the reality is that I am cold emailing companies, leaders and their marketing teams to get their attention.

It's my first visit to the EUROBIKE SHOW with the Ride To Success Podcast!

DM me if you want to have a chat or pick my brains (whatever will be left of them by the end of the day πŸ˜†anyway)

I will be hanging out in Halls 11.0 /11.1 and 12.0/12.1 during the day, but I am open for afterparty invites πŸ˜‰

BTW - if we meet at EUROBIKE, don't offer me coffee; my energy levels will be in full hype mode from the get-go.  πŸ˜†

Ride To Success Podcast - LIVE PODCAST RECORDING

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